Monday, July 29, 2013

Back to the Basics

I have not abandoned this project, but instead decided to restart it from the ground up using more traditional rogue-like gameplay and elements.

As you can see the world is now in ASCII! I designed the engine in such a way that the rendering is essentially "plugged" into the engine. It's up the renderer on how to draw the world, and interface. I could, theoretically, design a new renderer to draw the game very similar to my previous incarnation and not have to modify the game at all. But for now I will be sticking to ASCII, as I feel it is sufficient and will speed up gameplay development drastically.

Also another big change is turn-based. Every world-interaction, such as moving, using objects, etc requires a variable amount of turns. Turns can be interrupted, and world interaction is much more flexible and in-depth. For example: you can "Use" a "Pickaxe" on a "Stone Wall". It will take 10 turns to destroy the wall, and drop a "Stone" item. But that could be interrupted mid-way by being forcefully engaged into combat. It wouldn't be too much fun to continue mining a wall when an enemy is attacking!

At the moment I am working on combat. After that I plan on line of sight, lighting, memory, saving and loading. I believe once those are all complete the engine will be fairly complete and I can begin on proper game development. The game design is going to remain essentially the same as before, that can be read about a bit in previous blog posts.